Here are some DVD kits that offer more extensive training for a variety of parenting issues at different stages in your children’s development. You can use these on your own or in a small group setting.
Dr. Tim Kimmel
Kimmel recommends creating a grace-based home environment that allows children to meet their full potential, to parent children in the same way God parents us. He presents a child’s true needs–according to Scripture–and provides parents a realistic way to meet them. The result–spiritually strong children who grow up with a sense of calm and a heart full of purpose and confidence.
Grace Based Parenting: Creating An Atmosphere Of Grace will help you:
Dr. Tim Kimmel
This second part of the Grace Based Parenting small group video study will give parents the confidence and skills to raise kids who flourish in their culture by building character for life.
The Building Character small group DVD study will help you:
Like a blueprint serves the builder of a beautiful home, this study will give you practical ways to use character to build happy, confident children who can stand strong and reach their true potential in the future.
Dr. Tim Kimmel
Most parents want their kids to be successful. But what if there was something even better than success?
There is! In this riveting study, Aiming Your Child at True Greatness,Dr. Tim Kimmel turns the definition of success on its head and takes a look at God’s plan for raising kids who grow up to live meaningful lives that make a genuine difference? When you raise those kinds of kids, your house will be a place everyone wants to come home to.
This study on True Greatness will help you:
Dr. Tim Kimmel
Session One: In Search of Peace and Quiet
Life is moving at a blurring speed. If people don’t have a specific plan to manage the pace of their lives, then the hurried lifestyle will manage them. There are seven basic traits that characterize hurried families.
Session Two: The Lure of the Hurried Family
What draws us into the hurried lifestyle and what are the consequences?
Session Three: Bringing Calm to the Hurried Home
Adhering to the six necessities for peace and rest can bring calm back into our lives. (Necessities 1 & 2)
Session Four: The Focus of Contented Families
Maintaining calm and rest requires that we resist the negative effects of the hurried lifestyle on two fronts: the battlefront of our hearts, and the battlefront of culture. (Necessities 3 & 4)
Session Five: When All You’ve Ever Wanted Isn’t Enough
There’s a pervasive attitude in our culture that is custom made for a restless heart—discontent. It doesn’t matter how much we have, it’s never enough. That’s why these last two necessities are at the core of a rested heart. (Necessities 5 & 6)
Session Six: Little House on the Internet
If we don’t have a carefully thought-out strategy, the hurried world of technology can steal our joy and undermine our priorities to our spouse, our kids, our friends, and God.
Session Seven: Giving the Gift of Rest to Your Marriage
A family’s ability to maintain calm and confidence in the middle of their hurried schedules is contingent upon the parents maintaining a healthy relationship.
Session Eight: Giving the Gift of Rest to Your Children
Kids need parents who are paying attention and running interference for them as they maneuver their way through the constant barrage of culture’s competition for a rested heart.
Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott
That’s why we’ve created a new video study called Parenting: The Early Years. This study goes deeper than any technique of just getting kids to eat their broccoli and clean their room. It takes a Biblical approach into the traits parents want their children to have and what traits they want their children to see modeled in them. On this six-session DVD series, our team took their cameras into the homes of 20 families and captured real-life parenting moments. Some of these are funny moments and some are just completely honest moments that every parent can relate to. This study looks at what it’s like for married, single and blended families. It works well in a Sunday morning class or small group study, a parenting seminar or even to send home with expecting parents or even grandparents who are finding themselves raising their grandkids (because we all know children don’t come with instructions).
The Parenting Early Years Video Kit includes: 1 – Hardback book The Parent You Want to Be, 6 – Workbooks, 1 – Leader’s Guide, 6 – DVDs
Dr. Kevin Leman
Six Inspiring & Entertaining Video Lessons:
1) Putting First Things First
2) Healing the Past, Looking to the Future
3) Creating Harmony with Your Ex-Spouse
4) Helping Children Thrive in a Single-Parent Home
5) Learning to Discipline with Love and Limits
6) Understanding Your Child’s Personality – God’s Indelible Imprint
Kit includes:
– Six 25-minute lessons on DVD
– One Participant Workbook (additional copies may be ordered)
– Facilitator Guide
– Audio kit of all lessons
– Promotional materials (posters, ads, clip-art)
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